Information Technology & Information Security: Moonshot’s Dynamic Duo

Do you ever get mistaken for a sibling? And does it happen often enough that you question if people will ever learn the difference between the two of you? Information Technology (IT) and Information Security (IS) understand your pain. At a glance, IT and IS sound similar so they must be the same. Right? Nope! These two different yet complimentary fields play separate and important roles in streamlining tasks and securing the data in your network.

Discovering the Power of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence graphic

In the fast-paced world of data-driven decision-making, Business Intelligence (BI) has emerged as a critical tool for organizations to leverage data for success. However, there are several misconceptions about BI that often obscure its true value. At Moonshot, we are committed to debunking these myths, harnessing Power Platform, and exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on BI.